Ecological Toilet System - Aquatron
A good alternative to costly traditional STP The ecological toilet system Aquatron® , developed by the Swedish firm Aquatron International AB, is a patented compositing toilet utilizing ordinary Water Closets. The company has over 25 years of World-wide experience, with up to 10 years in India on waste water separation that works WITHOUT ELECTRICITY. It’s not just building more toilets, rather it’s about constructing toilets which are Eco-friendly and help in preserving our planet amidst mounting challenges of global warming and climate change. Salient Features: * Works with normal flush toilets * Separates faeces from urine and flushing water * Uses only momentum of flushing water, gravity and centrifugal force * Faeces get composted into clean, odourless soil * Urine and flushing water are decontaminated with a UV filter * Nutrient-enriched liquids can be reused e.g. for irrigation * Minimum Operation & Maintenance cost * Converts urine nutrients and composted faeces into valuabl...